Quickly insert a horizontal line in Word. Type 3 dashes — and hit your ‘Enter’ key immediately after. Try three asterisks***, three underscores___, three equal signs ===, three number signs ###, and three tildes ~~~ to change the type of line.
Move document sections
Word 2010 Tip: Navigation Pane. Word’s navigation pane (which was the Document Map) has changed. You can now move sections of a document to a different place in the file simply by dragging their headings up and down the pane. You can also right-click the heading and choose other actions from the quick menu.
Remove Formatting
Select text; Ctrl+Spacebar will remove all formatting from the highlighted text.
Format Painter
MS Office Tip: Double-clicking on the Format Painter icon will cause it to “stick”, so that you can continue to apply the desired format to multiple places. To turn this tool off, either press the Esc key or click the Format Painter icon again.
Hide the Ribbon Bar
CTRL+F1 to toggle between hiding/un-hiding the Ribbon Bar in 2010.
Copy and Paste without formatting
In 2010 if you want to copy and paste only the text but not the formatting, on the Home tab click the arrow under the Paste button for Paste Options and select Keep Text Only.
Closed a document without saving?
Word 2010. 1. Go to the File tab –> Info –> Manage Versions. 2. Click on the little dropdown and select Recover Unsaved Documents. 3. Word will open up the folder UnsavedFiles, (where it keeps a copy of the draft document). Select the document you want and click the Open button.
Adding Special Characters to AutoCorrect (2010)
Click the File tab, then Options. Word displays the Word Options dialog box. At the left side of the dialog box click Proofing. Click the AutoCorrect Options button. In my example I am going to replace *s with §. In the Replace box, enter any characters that you’d like to use. In the example illustrated […]
Tables and Tabs
In a table no tab character is inserted when you press the Tab key – you move to the next cell. You have to press Ctrl+Tab to create a tab character when the insertion point is inside a table cell.
Hyperlink within current document
One way to create a hyperlink quickly to a location within the same document is to use drag and drop. 1. Save the document first. 2. Select the image, phrase or word that you want to use as the destination for the hyperlink. 3. Right-click and hold down the mouse button whilst dragging the selection […]