Automatic background updates were introduced in WordPress 3.7. An email notification is sent (subject line below) following the success or failure of the update. Subject: [Your Site Name] Your site has updated to WordPress ?.?.* There is no need to configure anything from your end. Background updates are a valuable feature of WordPress, ensuring sites […]
Differences between Posts and Pages
Quick Comparison: Posts vs. Pages Although there are always some exceptions to every rule, primarily the differences are… Posts are timely vs. Pages are timeless, static content. Posts are listed in chronological order vs. Pages are not. Posts can be categorized and tagged vs. Pages are hierarchical. Posts are included in RSS feed vs. Pages […]
Differences between WordPress .com and .org
.com (free) Is good for family or hobbyist bloggers – who just want to focus on creating content. pros: is free (for basic blogging) and is for anyone is easy to setup without any prior website design knowledge there is no need to download software, pay for hosting, worry about maintaining and updating WordPress or […]
Unwanted Paragraph Spacing
This is my first paragraph\line. When I hit return to start a new paragraph, I get an unwanted space above. Just this once I’d like to remove it. Objective This is my first paragraph\line. When I hit return to start a new paragraph, I get an unwanted space above. Just this once I’d like to […]
The WordPress Toolbar is a way of easily accessing some of the most common WordPress features. When you are logged into your WordPress dashboard and you visit your website, you will see the Toolbar running across the top of your site. This bar only appears if you are currently logged into your WordPress site, which […]
How to change your name on blog posts
After posting your blog in WordPress, if you’d like to change how your author name displays follow these few simple steps. Note: you cannot change your username (the name you use to login). Go to the Profile page in your admin area. Scroll down to the Name section where you can see options to edit […]
Increased Password Security
WordPress has improved its approach to password security and strong passwords are generated by default. To change an existing password, from the main dashboard menu select Users > Your Profile, scroll down to the Account Management section. WordPress will automatically generate a strong password after clicking the Generate Password button. Type in your own password […]
Quick Link Preview Toolbar
You can add hyperlinks by using the toolbar Insert/edit link button when in the Visual editor. Tip, a quick way to add a hyperlink to a piece of selected text is to paste (Ctrl+V) the URL, whilst the text is highlighted. WordPress 4.3 introduces an easy way to preview links. Just by clicking on a […]
Formatting Shortcuts with latest update “Billie”
WordPress 4.3 update means you can utilise typing shortcuts in the Visual editor as an alternative to using the buttons available in the toolbar. This can help the flow of your writing as you won’t have to move your hands from the keyboard as you type. * or – and hitting the space bar will generate a […]
Next Page Tag
This tag can be particularly useful if writing a detailed tutorial or if you have very lengthy subject matter. The Next Page tag will add pagination and help to break up your content into more manageable chunks. The code <!–nextpage-> needs to be added whilst in the Text tab as below. Enter it whenever you […]