As you write a new post in WordPress by default, the box you type in expands automatically. This is great, except if you have written a very long article then to reach some of the meta boxes below (for example Theme SEO Settings, Custom Fields, Author – your boxes may be different) it means you have to move down the screen that much further to find them.
If you’d prefer the editor area to stay a fixed height and instead insert a scroll bar when content is greater than the available space (as it did back in version 4.0) then there is a solution.
Click on Screen Options (top right) and uncheck Enable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality. Click Screen Options again and the pull down area will disappear from view.
Voilà… you’ll now see a scroll bar appear if the amount of text you’ve added is greater than the available space.
If you’d like to adjust the height of your writing area… locate the bottom right of the editor box, near the date\time. The corner is hatched, move your mouse over this area and it will turn into a double headed arrow. Left click and drag up or down to suit.
Of course if you decide you actually preferred your editor without the scroll bar just click on Screen Options again and check Enable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality. Click Screen Options again and the pull down area will disappear from view.