In Safari, you can press and hold any link in order to review the web address it will direct you to.
A menu will pop up showing the destination address in the dark bar along the top and will also present you with various options. To cancel, tap elsewhere on the screen.
Open – will take you directly to the destination address.
Open in New Tab – will open the destination address in a new tab – ready for you to click on later.
Add to Reading List – will add to your reading list (more of this below).
Copy – will copy the address so you can paste it in to another application.
Reading List
Add to Reading List will allow you to save an interesting article you’ve stumbled upon when you just don’t have the time to read it now. Once you’ve added by clicking the Add to Reading List option above you will need to know how to find it later.
Click on the open book icon. Then click Bookmarks.
Tap Reading List (which should be at the top, with a pair of reading glasses as the icon).
You’ll now see all items previously added to your Reading List (filtered into All and Unread).
By the way the little + sign in the top right hand corner of the Reading List will add your current page to the list, so it’s just another way to populate the Reading List with pages.
And finally to delete something now read, quickly swipe the item with your finger. The Delete button will appear. Click Delete to remove from the list.